We strive to provide you with the best items from reputable manufacturers, but we understand that sometimes there are situations where you need to return an item. We will help you solve your problems with the order.
Return items within 14 days or withdraw from the contract
The consumer (the above applies exclusively to natural persons who acquire goods for purposes outside of their commercial activity) has the right to notify the company (e-mail address: katjadanceco@gmail.com) within 14 days of receiving the goods that they withdraw from the order, without he should be given a reason for his decision. The deadline begins one day after the date of collection of the ordered item. The only cost charged to the consumer in connection with withdrawal from the contract is the cost of returning the goods (which, in the case of shipping, is calculated according to the price list of the delivery service and depends on whether it is a shipment/package/cargo). The goods must be returned to the seller no later than 30 days after the notification of withdrawal from the purchase. Goods that have been used or washed cannot be returned or exchanged.
If, upon receiving the shipment, you noticed that the item or shipment is physically damaged, its contents are missing, or it shows signs of being opened, you can file a compensation procedure yourself with Pošta Slovenije. If you initiate the process yourself, do so by bringing the shipment (packaging + contents) to your parent Post Office, which delivered the item, no later than 30 days after receiving the shipment.
At the Post Office, it is necessary to fill out a Record of Damaged Shipment, which you must also sign. After receiving all the necessary documentation, a claim for compensation is submitted to Pošta Slovenije.